This past weekend the Gibraltar Youth Service held a training course for volunteers interested in working with young people.
The training course “An introduction to Youth Work” was held over Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st February at the Youth Centre, Montagu Bastion. The aim of the weekend was to give prospective volunteers some insight into what youth work is about. The training was fun and enjoyable encompassing elements such as principals and practice, ethics and boundaries and issues that affect young people in their lives. A variety of group games, discussions and interactive exercises were used as methods for learning.
Twelve participants took part in the course and reflected their wishes to give back to the community and take up volunteering opportunities at the youth clubs. The Youth Service will be offering a locally recognised qualification in Youth Work as from September 2016 this will be the assessed training route that offers the theory and a placement at one of our youth projects.
For further information please contact Rebecca Figueras on 20078617 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can also find more information on the youth service on our website