As part of its development programme the Ministry of Culture will support all Gibraltarian artists who take part in the Royal Academy’s Summer Arts Exhibition.
As part of its commitment to its employees’ continuing professional development, the Gibraltar Youth Service recently held a residential training weekend. The weekend involved a variety of learning and team building exercises focussing on an in depth and practical exploration of communication and young people’s behaviour in differing situations and circumstances. The training was delivered by two highly experienced and qualified UK Youth & Community Work trainers.
Read more: Youth Service - Team Building and Training Weekend Residential
22 year old Maxine Field is the first contestant to enter the Pageant. She is a Sales Assistant and Beauty Advisor. Maxine is a blue eyed blonde who enjoys keeping fit and regularly participates in Zumba classes.
According to the Spanish newspaper Horasur, the Spanish Port Authority confirm that contacts have been made with the Iranian National Oil Refinery Company to build a refinery in Algeciras – although not yet definite, as it seems that Magtel, the Spanish Company interested in the project, and the Iranian Govt prefer the Huelva area in which to instal the refinery at a cost of 3,000 million euros.
Read more: Installation of an oil refinery in Algeciras a possibility?
The Calpe house Charitable Trust has today issued a statement in which it says that it ‘is hugely touched by the fantastic response to the “Calpe House Needs Your Help” Campaign, which was launched on their Flag Day, 18th December 2016.’
The Minister for Social Services, the Hon Samantha Sacramento MP, officially opened the Milan Art Project Exhibition yesterday evening.
Read more: Official opening of the Milan Art Project Exhibition
"The ESG wishes to make clear that it intends to place its weight behind every effort to stop plans to build a new Iranian/Spanish Oil Refinery in the Bay, notably Algeciras.
Thank you, Mr Speaker, Chief Justice, Chief Minister and Leader of the Loyal Opposition for your warm and generous welcome here in the Chamber of the Gibraltar Parliament, the heart of Gibraltarian Democracy.
Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar strongly condemns yesterday’s cowardly attack on HM Customs Officers, who were on-duty and responding to reports of suspected smuggling.
Read more: HM Government of Gibraltar Condemns Attack on Customs Officers
Your Excellency,
On behalf of the People of Gibraltar,
Read more: Address to Parliament by the Chief Minister: swearing in of Governor Edward Davis
"The ESG wishes to make clear that it intends to place its weight behind every effort to stop plans to build a new Iranian/Spanish Oil Refinery in the Bay, notably Algeciras.
The GENERAL ELLIOT II port launch has returned to service after an extensive service undertaken by MH Bland
The CEO and Captain of the Port, Commodore Sanguinetti, commented that:
The Minister for Sport, Steven Linares, compliments local hockey umpire Nathan Stagno on being shortlisted for International Hockey Federation (FIH) Umpire of the Year.
Police have released CCTV images of a male person they are keen to speak to in connection with an investigation into an offence of “Intentional Harassment causing Alarm or Distress” that occurred between 0730hrs – 0800hrs on the 15th December 2015.
The specific amounts earned by Ministers, Members of Parliament and Office Holders are public Information, says the Govt in a statement released today.
Following the death of a Filipino seaman on Sunday evening, samples were collected and sent for testing in a major UK laboratory.
As part of the Department of the Environment and Climate Change’s Barbary Macaque Awareness Campaign, the Department will be holding an awareness day this Saturday between 10:00am to 2:00pm at the Piazza on Main Street.
Gibraltar Cultural Services, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, is inviting young ladies to sign up to the 2016 Miss Gibraltar Pageant. The Pageant will be held on the 4th June 2016. The event will be produced by Stage One for the Ministry of Culture and held at the John Mackintosh Hall Theatre.
HM Government of Gibraltar is greatly saddened to learn of the death of Sir Albert McQuarrie. Sir Albert passed away peacefully on Wednesday morning, aged 98. He is survived by his wife, Rhoda, and his son, Dermot.
Today the Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo, and Commander British Forces, Commodore Ian McGhie, signed Lands Agreement 2015. The parameters of this new Agreement are based on an original meeting between the Chief Minister and the Rt Hon Michael Fallon MP, the UK Secretary of State for Defence, in late 2014.
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