
HM Government of Gibraltar has today announced that it ‘is pleased with the positive trends in shipping activity at theport as it reviews its performance for 2015.’

4 local men (aged 18 - 37) and 2 Spanish nationals (Aged 33 & 44yrs) were arrested in the early hours of Thursday 7th January 2016 by RGP uniformed officers on suspicion of various tobacco-related offences, following a high-speed vehicle pursuit and search of a residence at Ocean Heights.

Dear Editor,
I would be very grateful if this letter were published.

The Govt has today issued the following statement:
The principal change which is provided for in the Bill for an Act to amend the Public Finance (Borrowing Powers) Act 2008 is the equalisation of the net debt provision to the manifesto commitment of reaching a net debt position of £300m.

The Spanish Government has today called for a resumption of bilateral dialogue between the United Kingdom and Spain on the sovereignty of Gibraltar.

The Financial Services Commission's decision to release both its annual report - coincidentally three months late - and proposals to significantly increase the fees it charges licensees while the Rock’s financial community was focused less on business and more on Christmas cheer seems set to backfire.

On 22nd December 2015 the draft Bill to amend the Marriage Act was published as a Command Paper for public consultation. This is the start of the consultation in the legislative process; the stage before the proposal becomes a Bill for consideration and debate in Parliament.

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