HMGoG is pleased to announce that the legislative framework for holding the UK's referendum on whether it stays or leaves the European Union is now operational.

The final steps were taken with the publication, last Friday, of the notice of commencement of the European Union (Referendum) Act 2016 and ancillary subsidiary legislation and the relevant legislation in the UK.

By so doing the Chief Minister's commitment to the Prime Minister that Gibraltar would follow the timescales set by the UK Government has been satisfied.

Commenting on this the Chief Minister, the Hon Fabian Picardo QC, said: "It gives me great pride that officials from both administrations have worked closely over the past months to enable Gibraltar to participate in a referendum which, whatever the outcome, will define the UK's relationship with Europe for many years to come.

I am especially pleased that the Gibraltar team of officials, led by the Deputy Chief Minister and Minister for European Affairs Dr Joseph Garcia, have delivered on the commitment that I gave the Prime Minister that we would not delay the process.

The Government is now looking forward to the referendum, which has been confirmed as being held on 23rd June, and to making the case for the UK and Gibraltar's continued membership of the EU".

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