
Given its location, many will have seen that over the last few weeks works have been taking place at Cathedral Square Park. The area which has not received extensive works for a while was closed due to health and safety concerns. Works to address these issues are now complete and the park has been re-opened.

His Worship the Mayor, Mr John Gonçalves MBE GMD, hosted a lunch on Monday 26th April 2021, at the Mayor’s Parlour, City Hall, in honour of His Excellency The Most Rev. Archbishop Mark Miles, Apostolic Nuncio to Benin and Togo, following his Episcopal Ordination the previous day.

Gibraltar’s first human corneal transplant was performed on the 19th March 2021. GHA Consultant Ophthalmologist, Dr Magdalena Popiela, carried out the surgery together with the GHA ophthalmic nursing team at St Bernard’s Hospital.

A wreath laying ceremony will take place at the Bedenham Memorial, Queensway Quay, on Tuesday 27th April at 11.00am to mark the 70th anniversary of the explosion of the RFA Bedenham.

His Excellency the Governor, Sir David Steel and the Chief Minister, the Hon Fabian Picardo yesterday evening welcomed the delegation from the Holy See to Gibraltar ahead of today’s Episcopal Ordination of Archbishop-elect Mgr Mark Miles.

Elderly Residential Services have announced that visiting will be increased from four times a week to being offered on a daily basis as from Wednesday 21st April.

Gibraltar Cultural Services, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, have confirmed that the May Day Celebrations will this year be broadcast on GBC TV and the GCS Facebook page.

The Minister for the Environment, Professor John Cortes, officially inaugurated a new Natural History Field Centre in the Gibraltar Nature Reserve.

The Care Agency’s Waterport Terraces Day Centre opened its doors on Monday to welcome back its elderly service users for the first time since Gibraltar went into its first lockdown in March 2020.

The Gibraltar Health Authority says it is delighted to announce its plans to increase the availability of face-to-face appointments with a GP or Nurse Practitioner at the Primary Care Centre as from Monday 19th April 2021 as part of the gradual return to a more normal service.

Minister for Business, the Hon Vijay Daryanani, visited Clubhouse Gibraltar today at the invitation of Executive Director Emily Adamberry Olivero MBE.

The Ministry for Business says it is pleased to announce that the Business Liaison Team’s One Stop Shop will commence face-to-face meetings with members of the public following the relaxation of COVID measures as from Monday 19th April 2021.

His Excellency the Governor Sir David Steel KBE DL visited the Royal Gibraltar Post Office at 109 Main Street today where he was greeted by Glendon Martinez, Director of Postal Services and by Minister for Postal Services, the Hon Vijay Daryanani.

Two weeks after the devastating fires at Governor’s Meadow, school life is already getting back to normal during what has been one of the most challenging times in the school’s history.

The Government says it notes with regret the worsening public health situation in a number of European countries including in Spain next door. This means that anyone travelling abroad, particularly to Spain, will need to follow public health advice very closely and proceed with caution where necessary.

With summer around the corner, many consumers will be thinking about travelling abroad for a well-deserved holiday or break. As part of its awareness program the Office of Fair Trading’s (OFT) Consumer Protection Team are conducting an outreach campaign with the theme: “Travelling in the “new normal”.

Gibraltar Cultural Services on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, are organising a number of events under this year’s Spring Festival umbrella.

The Department of Education has announced that, despite the challenges that have resulted from the pandemic, the Gibraltar Careers Fair will be held on Tuesday 13th April 2021.

Chief Minister Fabian Picardo today announced the lifting of restrictions in a measured way as a result of zero active cases in Gibraltar residents.

British Airways has today announced the launch of two new routes to Jersey and Gibraltar from London City Airport.

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