The Government says it notes with regret the worsening public health situation in a number of European countries including in Spain next door. This means that anyone travelling abroad, particularly to Spain, will need to follow public health advice very closely and proceed with caution where necessary.

It is important to bear in mind that even a person who has been vaccinated against COVID-19 can still contract the disease, albeit with a lesser degree of severity, and spread it to other people.

The Spanish authorities have indicated that a fourth wave of COVID-19 is expected to materialise over this week and the next as a consequence of contacts made during Easter.

The latest reported situation in Andalucia shows that there are 1393 hospitalised cases, of whom 302 are in intensive care. A total of 1207 cases have been detected in the last 24 hours. Andalucia remains closed to other regions of Spain and even within it movement between provinces continues to be curtailed. This means that residents of Gibraltar can only travel within the Cadiz provincial area of Spain.

In that context, there are 90 cases in Cadiz (city), 97 in Puerto de Santa Maria, 69 in Barbate and 67 in Chiclana. Closer to Gibraltar, Algeciras has 83 positive cases, La Linea 31 and San Roque 14.

The public is reminded that they need to familiarise themselves with the latest restrictions in force across the border and to be aware that these may be different from municipality to municipality.

It is also important to remain alert to updates on the restrictions in force as these may be tightened further in the event of a new wave of the pandemic.

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