
Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar can confirm that it has not been proposed to it that UK asylum seekers should be processed in Gibraltar.

As from this September, and for the first time ever, boys and girls in Gibraltar will have identical options presented to them as they choose the subjects they will take for GCSE.

Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar has published legislation to prohibit the importation of COVID vaccines, or anything purporting to be a COVID vaccine without the written approval of the Medical Director of the Gibraltar Health Authority.

A new coin commissioned by the Gibraltar National Mint has been struck to celebrate the Interim WBC Heavyweight Championship fight to take place in Gibraltar between Brixton born Dillian ‘The Body Snatcher’ Whyte and Alexander ‘Russian Vityaz’ Povetkin.

Local businesses, including MH Bland, One Media & Events and Gibraltar International Bank, are currently hosting University of Gibraltar’s undergraduate business students as they undertake industry placements.

"Mr Speaker, It is exactly a year today since we locked down our over 70s. I want therefore to just quickly reflect today that a year has passed since we took measures to confine some of our citizens to their homes. These days that sounds like something quite normal but it was something quite abnormal before."

Kitchen Studios returns to GEMA Gallery at Montagu Bastion with a new exhibition featuring the work of around twenty artists. The Gallery will re-open on Wednesday 17th March with a variety of artworks on display.

Today, 16th March, is World Social Work Day, which aims to recognise and celebrate the hard work and dedication of social workers and those who work in social care, and the role they play in our community.

Gibraltar Cultural Services, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, have launched a revamped website (www.culture.gi) keeping in line with the Government’s manifesto commitment to provide a friendly E-Government service.

Officers of the Marine Section today seized one semi-rigid inflatable vessel and five hundred and fifty cartons of cigarettes.

An exciting Festival of local music, which will form part of the National Week celebrations, is being planned by Gibraltar Cultural Services on behalf of the Ministry of Culture.

Following the Strategic Coordinating Group meeting held on Tuesday 9th March, a decision has been taken to allow the Civil Contingencies Emergency (Coronavirus) (Returning Scholarship Holders) (No.5) Regulations 2021 to cease to have effect as from Sunday 13th March 2021.

Visits to St Bernard’s Hospital and Ocean Views will resume next week and visitors will 'need to fully abide by the new measures in place to mitigate the potential spread of COVID-19'.

Elderly Residential Services have said they are delighted to confirm that, following Public Health advice, visits to the residents in all ERS sites will be resumed as from Tuesday 16th March 2021.

The Chief Minister has today given notice of a Motion that he will move in Parliament setting the date for the Referendum on abortion to take place on Thursday 24th June 2021.

The Mayor’s Awards Committee met recently to consider nominations received from members of the public.

The Government has said it has noted with concern commentary on social media regarding the Driver Vehicle and Licensing Department (‘DVLD’) complaining that staff are not answering their telephone calls.

After a series of innovative works to allow access to the site, the Minister for Heritage, Professor John Cortes has officially re-opened the water cistern at Nuns’ Well.

Gibraltar Cultural Services, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, will hold a Spring Visual Arts Competition in May and June 2021 as part of the Gibraltar Spring Festival.

The official launch of the Futures Forward Academy, an initiative Office of the Commissioner for Sustainable Development and Future Generations, will take place on Thursday 11th of March at 4pm.

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