The Minister with responsibility for Justice, the Hon Samantha Sacramento MP, has commenced the Act providing for Penalty Notices for Disorder.

This will allow for the Royal Gibraltar Police to implement this scheme which will offer operational officers a quick and effective alternative disposal option for dealing with low-level, anti-social and nuisance offending, deliver a swift and simple method of deterrence, reduce the amount of time that police officers spend completing paperwork and attending court, while simultaneously reducing the burden on the courts and increase the amount of time that police officers spend on the street and dealing with more serious crime. The notice may be used in relation to crimes where the most likely court outcome would be a low level fine. Guidance on the issuing of Notices has been issued by the Ministry for Justice, on behalf of the Minister, and a copy of this is attached for general information.

The Minister for Justice, the Hon Samantha Sacramento MP said: “I am pleased that, on being advised that the Royal Gibraltar Police now has the relevant procedures in place, this Act may now be commenced. These notices will provide the Royal Gibraltar Police with another tool to be able to more effectively managing their policing resources.”

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