Currently gaining two weeks experience with the RGP is 21 year-old Polizeioberwachtmeisterin Anouk Bröhl.

If her rank seems to be a bit of a mouthful, it’s easier to explain that Anouk is a Police Sergeant-in-Training with the Munich Police.

Having gained good grades in the German equivalent of A Levels, Anouk was able to enter the police force directly on to the three-year Sergeants’ course without first serving as a Constable. She is now at the end of her second year so, in a year’s time she will emerge as a fully-qualified Sergeant.

"Those of us who are younger and without much experience are encouraged to spend some time with a police force outside Germany." explained Anouk in her excellent English.

"A few of my colleagues are spending time in Sweden and one male student is in Switzerland.’

But why did she choose Gibraltar? "Well, I looked at previous classes and I saw that someone else came here a few years ago so I knew it could be done. I wanted to improve my English, and I wanted some good weather and I’m a keen diver - so Gibraltar seemed perfect."

She spent the first few days of her attachment working with Response Team 2.

A shift in Gibraltar tends to be slightly quieter than a typical shift in Munich but, other than that, I was actually surprised how similar it all was. On my first evening, I helped to deal with some driving offences but we also had to handle a tricky Mental Welfare case and several noise complaints."

“I got on very well with the Response Team officers and they were very good to me. I noticed that, compared with Munich, they seem to be less stressed and they solve more problems just by talking to people. In Munich, police officers usually take a stricter approach to most problems.”

For the rest of this week, Anouk will be spending time with the Marine Unit, with CID and with the Domestic Abuse Unit.

And, when not working at New Mole House, Anouk has already found time to complete 4 dives, two of them on local wrecks.

"If I ever came to live in Gibraltar, I would join the RGP – and then I’d ask if I could work in the Marine Unit," said Anouk.

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