The Care Agency’s Learning Disability Services organised training for key Care Agency managers and health care professionals.

The intensive course in Positive Behaviour Support will be delivered by Laura Higgins, a Behaviour Analyst from the British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD) UK. Once qualified, they will be Functional Assessors and Coaches in managing behaviour.

BILD define the following:

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is about working in partnership with people, treating them with dignity and respect and enabling them to have a better life.

All behaviours have a meaning. Positive Behaviour Support aims to understand what behaviours that challenge tell us so that the person’s needs can be met in better ways. The way the person is supported often has to change to achieve this and this needs to be regularly reviewed by all the people involved.

Positive Behaviour Support is an approach that puts the person at the centre to make systems work for the person. We give the right support at the right time so people can thrive to their potential.

The course entails 2 weeks of concentrated teaching sessions in class. The rest of the course is online blended learning and will be completed by the end of March 2022. This type of continuing professional development education equips staff with the necessary tools, skills and expertise to be able to ensure services are providing evidence-based care, in conjunction with relevant frameworks and codes of practice.

The Care Agency’s CEO, Carlos Banderas, has expressed how pleased he is to see this project come to fruition, as it is fundamental that, “the Care Agency provides staff the competences to enable the standards expected of a professional service, that places the needs of the service users at the centre of care.

Minister for Social Services the Honourable, Samantha Sacramento, said: “I am absolutely committed to investing in the essential continuing professional development of professionals who support people with learning disabilities. It is paramount that training is consistent with best practice and service development. I wish to thank the Care Agency management, and in particular Ms Rachel Tobelem, for the identification of this high level training for staff."

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