The Minister for the Port the Hon Vijay Daryanani and His Excellency the Governor Sir David Steel paid a site visit to the OS 35 to receive an update from the Captain of the Port John Ghio on the progress of the wreck removal operations.

Minister for the Port, the Hon Vijay Daryanani, said: “I’m delighted to see this tangible progress as the wreck removal operation enters its final stages. This has been a long but meticulous process and the end is now clearly in sight. I’d like to commend and thank the Captain of the Port and all those who have worked tirelessly and diligently to ensure the safe and proper removal of the OS 35 wreck.”

His Excellency the Governor, Vice Admiral Sir David Steel, said: “The salvage of OS35 has been a phenomenal achievement and I commend all those who have been involved, especially the Captain of the Port who has demonstrated exceptional professionalism ever since the ship floundered in August 2022. Like everyone else, I look forward to the ship’s removal from Catalan Bay within the soon”.

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