Gibraltar Cultural Services will be commemorating this year’s World Book Day by celebrating the author Roald Dahl, in particular his book ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’.
World Book Day marks its 25th anniversary this year, on Thursday the 3rd of March, with the message to all children ‘you are a reader’.
This year GCS on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, is marking the occasion by hosting school groups and running different educational activities around the theme. The students will be exploring Roald Dahl’s work through art, drama and of course storytelling. Zoe Bishop from ‘The Movement Collective’ will be hosting a short drama/ movement workshop, artist Monica Popham will allow the children to be creative by designing their own Willy Wonka inspired chocolate bar. Our committed Storytellers Kationa, Monica, Tanya and Denise will delve into different chapters of the book to take the children on a fun and imaginative literary journey. Parts of The John Mackintosh Hall will be decorated in true Chocolate Factory Style, accompanied by Oompa Loompas, Golden Tickets and of course Willy Wonka himself.
Celebrations will take place throughout the week of World Book Day, highlighting our local children’s authors and the importance of reading. Karim Vatvani and Corinne Massetti will both be hosting storytelling sessions at the library, inspiring young people to read. A special British Sign Language storytelling session has been organised together with GHITA, which has been recorded and will be shared on social media.
'We will also be celebrating local literature with new publications launched around the event. Online, we will be sharing recommended reads by a selection of our library members and pupils from Westside Comprehensive School.'