Unite the Union in Gibraltar says it stands in solidarity with all immigrants and condemns President Trump’s racist and xenophobic action.
"The travel ban implemented on specific Muslim countries goes against human rights and our humanitarian values are at stake." a spokesman for the Union said. "It is shameful that in this day and age a modern country adopts such discriminatory and fascist action. People should not be discriminated on faith, race, Nationality or Religion and we must remind the world that humanity is better than this. On the contrary of what President Trump might think refugees are not terrorists, they are human beings fleeing their homes due to war and despair."
"Unite finds the lack of condemnation from the UK Government and Theresa May’s complicity to Donald Trump’s travel ban disgraceful and question their own moralities. The fact that the US President’s visit to the UK has not been stopped says a lot about the respect the UK Government has to its own citizens especially the Muslim community. We urge people to sign the petition which requests for the visit from the US President to be stopped.
We praise the actions around the world of the thousands that have manifested and voiced their opinion against such inhumane act and we encourage a global movement against these policies. We must not be complacent; we must not stay silent and think this has nothing to do with us. Gibraltar although small in size has always raised its voice and stood up for injustices, it is therefore time for us to join the world and speak out.
As Martin Luther King said “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”