The Minister for Sport, the Hon Steven Linares, has praised the Gibraltar Netball Association (GNA) for the excellent work undertaken in hosting the Netball Europe Under-17 Championships this past weekend.

“Moira Gomez, her hard working committee and their team of extra volunteers are definitely worthy of public recognition for the excellent event which finished yesterday in the Tercentenary Sports Hall”.

Minister Linares, who hosted a reception on the Sunborn Hotel on Saturday evening for delegates, officials, volunteers and team representatives, also added that: “Having spoken to Netball Europe officials, they are extremely pleased with the general organisation of the Championships and those that have been to Gibraltar before highlighted the improvements made to the Bayside Sports Centre in general. The GNA’s high standing within Netball Europe was made very clear to me and is a testament to their hard work and dedication. I must also not forget the Gibraltar Sport and Leisure Authority staff who have ensured that all of the GNA’s requirements have been met and who have been on hand to assist where required”.

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