The People’s Choice Award at this year’s Gibraltar Cultural Services (GCS) Art Competition for Young Artists has been awarded to David Llamas, for his artwork ‘The Concept of Life’.

David Llamas has received a prize of £100 from GCS.

When asked to comment on his painting, David said: “This piece marks the final chapter of my personal investigation into “how anatomy can be expressed as a form of art”. The principal message of this piece (along with the majority of my others covering this topic) was to highlight how the medical / pharmaceutical industries may glorify certain practices to make health and well-being seem “replaceable”. This piece was also my biggest and most ambitious one yet, so I’ve really appreciated having the opportunity to share this with the public in this exhibition.

The People’s Choice Award encourages visitors to play the role of adjudicator and vote for their favourite artwork. Voting slips were handed in at the John Mackintosh Hall reception to ensure the ‘one vote per person’ rule. A total of 64 votes were received over the two-week period.

Minister of Culture John Cortes congratulated David, and added: “The People’s Choice is a very special award, as it shows how well an artist connects with the public. I am not surprised, as David is a highly talented artist, and one of a crop of talented young people who are making a tremendous statement in what I like to call our Cultural Renaissance, thanks to the work of their teachers and of others in our rich artistic community who inspire them.

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