The University of Gibraltar and the Department of Education have announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding today.
The framework agreement sets the basis to advance in the establishment of an Institute of Education, offering a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) and providing courses for professional or academic teaching and specialist staff in education. Both institutions will also work jointly towards a Commonwealth Scholarship in Gibraltar and encouraging research activities and exchanges in relevant educational disciplines of benefit for the partnership. Together with this agreement, the University and the Department of Education will build upon current international research collaborations such as the ClimACT project, trailing education and training resources in local schools and raising environmental awareness and sustainable practices amongst young students.
Hon Dr John Cortes MP, Minister for Education, had the following to say "I am delighted to see a clear way forward for close cooperation between the DoE and the University, sealed by the signing of the MoU today. While they are two totally separate entities, both are committed to furthering education, of young and not so young. By working together and combining our resources we will be better able to serve the needs of our community, now and in the future."
"This partnership seeks to catalyse teacher education and international education partnerships efforts. As a higher education institution we can broker new academic development opportunities and host a bespoke Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) that addresses local needs as well as international collaborative arrangements such as ClimACT that converts cutting edge research into everyday school experiences." Professor Daniella Tilbury, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Gibraltar, commented. She explained that "We very much look forward to working with our education colleagues to advance opportunities in an area that is so close to my heart. The collaboration could be very significant as the University looks to supporting quality education experiences inside, and outside our schools.’
Darren Grech, Acting Director of the DoE, had the following to say "University comes from the Latin universitas or the whole. This is a very apposite definition: by signing the MoU we are essentially bringing together a community of teachers, scholars, lecturers, academics and students of all ages, and exploring ways of working together understanding that education is a lifelong journey. We are excited at the prospect of developing projects which should benefit the whole of Gibraltar. Close collaboration between both entities is therefore deemed essential."