Chief Minister Fabian Picardo and Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia this morning held a positive meeting with the new UK Ambassador to the European Union Sir Tim Barrow. The Gibraltar delegation included the Attorney General Michael Llamas.
A number of issues relating to Gibraltar's position in the EU were discussed in the context of the United Kingdom's planned departure from the European Union. It was important to see that Sir Tim is already conversant with Gibraltar matters.
The Chief Minister later had the opportunity to update the UK Commissioner for the Security Union Sir Julian King on relevant matters related to Gibraltar.
Later, the Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia and the Attorney General Michael Llamas attended a lunch hosted by the Minister of Culture, Tourism and External Relations of the Government of Scotland Fiona Hyslop MSP. This continues the engagement on such matters with Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Crown Dependencies and the other Overseas Territories.
Scotland and Gibraltar appeared later this afternoon before the European Parliament's Constitutional Affairs Committee (AFCO). The Chief Minister delivered a presentation to the Committee which was followed by a question and answer session with MEPs.