
The Minister for Culture, the Hon Steven Linares, has publicly congratulated the Gibraltar International Dance Association team for their outstanding success at the Dance World IDF Championships held in Bressanone, Italy, last week.

The Gibraltar Port Authority (GPA) was represented at the European Bunker Fuel Conference last week in Rotterdam by the CEO and Captain of the Port, Commodore Bob Sanguinetti and Bunkering Superintendent Victor Calderon.

The Gibraltar Port Authority has announced that its latest recruit has successfully qualified as a VTS Operator following an extensive period of training in the UK.

A message from Young Gib Remain.

"On the 23rd of June 2016, many young people in Gibraltar will be faced with a decision of paramount importance, a decision that will shape the future for generations to come. On this day, Gibraltar will decide her future as a member of the European Union.

'Roy Clinton seems not to read his own press releases' says Government. 'In the one on the dementia facility last week he intimated that it had not yet opened because of a squeeze in finances. Today he acknowledges that funds were indeed available. He makes it utterly clear that the Government’s 2015/16 Budget Estimates made provision for £400,000 for the Day Care Facility and for a further £400,000 for the contracting out of the Dementia Residential Facilities service.'

Govt have issued a statement claiming "Trevor Hammond has lost his credibility as environment spokesman for the Opposition in record time – before he even had any.

Gibraltar will be represented at the PDC Betway World Cup of Darts by Dyson Parody and Manuel Vilerio. The event will be held in Frankfurt, Germany from the 2nd to 5th June and will be broadcast live on Sky Sports.

The annual Short Story Competition organised by the Gibraltar Cultural Services on behalf of the Ministry for Culture in conjunction with the Gibraltar Chronicle attracted a total of 275 entries from children in School Years 4 to 13 and adults. The Minister for Culture, the Hon Steven Linares, presented the awards on Wednesday 1st June 2016 at 4.30pm at the John Mackintosh Hall.

A group of thirty-six young people from the Youth Clubs recently visited Aventura Amazonia Adventure Park in Spain comprising of zip lines and high rope activities.

The Ministry of Employment and the Ministry of Education have today jointly announced the implementation of a Careers’ and Employment Development Service. This new service will be available to young persons between the ages of 14 to 19 years in the form of workshops, one-to-one tuition and school and college visits. Govt has said that is has "attentively listened to the views of our students and acknowledges that this sector requires targeted attention and tailor made solutions."

Govt have today announced that 'it continues in its determined, daily endeavour to ensure that all Gibraltarians who actively seek employment find employment. In this respect, the Ministry for Employment and the Ministry for Economic Development are working closely together to identify gainful employment opportunities for persons registered as unemployed in the Employment Service.'

The Ministry of Culture have confirmed that children aged 12 and under will again be allowed free entry into the Gibraltar Music Festival on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th September 2016.

The Gibraltar Fire and Rescue Service’s (GFRS) operational crews will be involved in emergency response driving (ERD) courses throughout the month of June. These courses are built upon an organisational commitment to ensure a safe, efficient and professional Service to Gibraltar's Community through the development of our people.

The Chief Minister Fabian Picardo QC and the Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia returned to Gibraltar from an intense round of meetings and engagements in Brussels.

The Borders and Coastguard Agency (BCA) has, since the turn of the year, run 3 separate Recruit Schools over a period of 5 months. Each training school has consisted of a 6 week programme which was designed to cover a wide range of issues to prepare the recruits for life as a Borders and Coastguard Officer.

To coincide with the arrival of the summer season a new version of the ‘Safety at Sea’ booklet has just been published in a joint venture between the Gibraltar Port Authority (GPA), the Royal Gibraltar Police (RGP) and the Gibraltar Maritime Administration (GMA).

Because of its concerns at the pollution levels it inherited, Government says 'it has been working hard, since elected at the end of 2011, to improve air quality in Gibraltar. Its data show that pollution levels have in fact been decreasing in that time. The GSD Opposition’s Trevor Hammond’s “deep concern” is amusing given that the data used by WHO is from 2008 to 2013, therefore mainly from his party’s term in Government.'

Minister for the Environment and Climate Change Dr John Cortes was in Cadiz with senior Departmental officials yesterday, visiting the Junta de Andalucia's head of Environment for Cadiz, the Delegado Provincial de Medio Ambiente, Angel Acuña at the Junta de Andalucia's Cadiz headquarters.

Govt have released a statement stating 'Enforcement of the law remains the responsibility of the Royal Gibraltar Police and is at its discretion, although Environmental Protection Officers (EPOs), who do not have full enforcement powers, are increasingly involved in monitoring and challenging illegal activities – usually with considerable success. EPOs regularly challenge vessels, commercial and otherwise, and on most occasions these move away.'

Notre Dame School held a Disability Awareness assembly last Friday. Guest speakers Eric Rowbottom and Manar Ben Tahayekt (a staff member at the Department of Education) delivered short presentations and answered questions from the children who took to the event and were very interested in finding out more about what it means to live with a disability.

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