An initiative to inspire young people to use videography in an artistic and creative way is once again being launched as part of the 2025 Youth Arts Jamboree.

The project by Gibraltar Cultural Services, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, aims to encourage young people to create reel-style short videos using their phones or other related medium to promote Gibraltar’s culture and the arts.

The video should be simple in execution, no longer than a minute, and can include speech, performance, slides etc, exploring the theme ‘Your Culture, Your Story’. We encourage participants to be creative and explore the tools available to them. Once submitted, the videos will be uploaded on GCS socials using the hashtags #youthartsjamboree and #gibculturechallenge.

Last year’s winners, Stella Bosano and Anna Victory, showcased their passion for dance and the arts by creating a rhythmic and captivating reel that highlighted their friends and celebrated different aspects of Gibraltar’s culture.

The winners will be announced at a special showcase evening at GEMA Gallery. The top prize will include £200 and the opportunity to work with Gibraltar Cultural Services to develop these skills and produce a video in relation to one of their community events. This invaluable experience will allow the winners to further develop their videography and storytelling skills in a professional setting.

The closing dates for entries is 28th February 2024. Entry forms and rules available at and City Hall. For more info contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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