In 2014, the Government brought in new regulations to enable qualified and registered midwives to prescribe and use certain prescription medicines without necessarily calling upon a doctor. These included pain relief medicines, drugs that promoted the well-being of the baby and products that assisted the mother during labour.

This list of 23 medicines was based on best practice from the UK and had the support of local doctors and midwives.

Today, the Government is expanding this list to add another 6 medicines that will serve the same purpose. The additions include essential antibiotics to protect the health of the mother and baby. By enabling midwives to use important medicinal products in this way, often in urgent circumstances without having to send for a doctor, this initiative will improve patient care, increase efficiency and reduce unnecessary wastage of professional time. The entire process is safe and is welcomed by healthcare professionals.

Signing the secondary legislation into force, Minister for Health, Care and Justice, the Honourable Neil F. Costa M.P. said, “This may seem like a small enhancement to the quality of our services, but it can be hugely significant to those mothers and infants who receive them, often in the night-time hours. This regulation furthers our manifesto commitment to improve all aspects of maternity services and thereby, the optimal care of our mothers and children.”

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