Detectives investigating an assault on a local woman between 0150hrs and 0200hrs on Saturday 5th November 2016 in the area of Line Wall Road, are appealing for witnesses to this incident.

The incident resulted in a 28yr old local woman requiring treatment for injuries to her arms and facial area.

Detective Inspector Roy Perez from the Criminal Investigation Department, said, “We’re aware that this type of incident can cause concern within our community, however, we’d like to reassure the community that an extensive investigation has been underway since the incident was reported to us over the weekend. This incident and witness appeal are unrelated to the assault that occurred at Casemates Square on Sunday 30th October, which we continue to investigate separately.

Anyone who may have been present in and/or passing through the areas of Fish Market Road or Line Wall Road, whether on foot or in a vehicle, between 0130hrs and 0200hrs on Saturday 5th November, is requested to contact the Criminal Investigation Department (quoting this appeal) as soon as possible, via New Mole House switchboard (Tel 20072500), or alternatively, via email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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