Gibraltar Youth Service was busy in action hosting interclub and community events during the half term week. The week started with the popular Halloween Party held at the Laguna Youth Club with over 150 people attending.

This event was organised by members from both Plater and Laguna Youth Clubs who created a spectacular and spooky dungeon themed environment for everyone to enjoy.

The evening was a huge success and demonstrated what a community event is all about. The Gibraltar Youth Service would like to thank the Neighbourhood Policing Unit for their assistance and everyone who attended and supported the event.

Dolphins Youth Club held the annual Gibraltar Youth Service 5-a-side football tournament with excellent representations from members of all local youth clubs. All participants showed off their football skills and demonstrated a true sense of sportsmanship throughout. The Laguna Youth Club retained the title for the 3rd consecutive year narrowly beating Plater Youth Club in the final.


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