For the past six weeks the St Paul’s Nursery and School have been learning about different topics for the school's Humanities Day.  Each year group has had their own individual subject.

The Nursery enjoyed a Nursery Rhyme day with children dressed as their favourite Nursery Rhyme character.


The Reception children have spent the past few weeks learning about people who help us in the community.  The children dressed up as  Police officers, firemen, doctors, nurses, lollipop ladies and teachers. They had a visit from the Royal Gibraltar Police.  During lunchtime they learnt the roles of the dinner lady’s and helped them do their job.


The Year 1s have become Romans for the day.  Children enjoyed a Roman banquet for lunch and were then brave enough to fight the Gladiators.  They even fought a lion and then raced some chariots in the Gym.  No Gladiators were injured in the process!!


The Year 2s have been learning about India. They painted beautiful Rangoli Patterns, made oil lamps and coconut balls and then ended the day with some Bollywood dancing.


The Year 3s have dressed up as Neanderthals for the day.  They have made their own caves and fossils and they even had an opportunity to paint some cave paintings in the school’s very own cave!

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