His Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar says it notes the announcement by the Prime Minister, Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP, that the Parliament at Westminster is to be dissolved and a General Election convened for Thursday, 4th July, 2024.

The Chief Minister, the Hon Fabian Picardo KC MP, said: "As the House of Commons is dissolved and a General Election convened, I want to thank the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary for their support in past months for Gibraltar in the context, principally but not just, on the negotiations with the EU and Spain on a future UK/EU Treaty for Gibraltar. I also want to thank all members of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Gibraltar for their support in the past four years since the last General Election in the UK. Many of these MPs have been supporters of Gibraltar for decades and many, not least the Chair of the APPG, Hon Sir Bob Neil MP, are retiring at this election.

I look forward to continuing to work with the current and next UK Government on all matters related to Gibraltar."

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