The Government says it notes and qualifies the statement released by Unite the Union concerning Industrial Action at the Borders and Coastguard Agency (BCA) on the premise of Health and Safety at the Gibraltar Airport Terminal and the provision of rest facilities.

'The Government has met the union and its BCA representatives several times, requesting a list of issues that the union seeks to address and to understand whether the union had submitted these through the formal channels. The union arbitrarily stated that it has in the past but that these remained unresolved. Despite this, Gibraltar Airport Terminal Ltd Management has been consulted where they state that there are no outstanding Health and Safety matters pending resolution as detailed in the official reporting system. The union has yet to provide a list of issues, even if informally, of the matters it seeks to address.'

'On the matter of rest facilities, the Airport Terminal has such facilities available for BCA officers to make use of. Many frequently do. Despite this, the Government has not categorically denied the extension of further rest facilities but has instead, judiciously, communicated that any such provision should materialise once certainty of a UK - EU deal concerning Gibraltar is reached, and the resources available at the Airport Terminal by way of footprint are known.'

The Government says it regrets that the union chooses to inconvenience the Public and Business in pursuit of its unreasonable stance on these matters, particularly so at the beginning of a bank holiday weekend, a time when many will seek to travel or return to Gibraltar, as it is their right to do. In a statement the Government also states it is supportive of work that is safe and fair, but if there are Health and Safety issues of concern to the union's members, they should report them through the official channels.

Government says it is keen to address the above matters, and will liaise with the union to seek resolution.

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