The summer term kicked off with a bang at St Mary’s Lower Primary School as students and the community joined forces to celebrate STEM Week.

From budding scientists to aspiring engineers, the entire school dived headfirst into a whirlwind of discovery and exploration, all while having a ton of fun!

The heartbeat of the week was a vibrant blend of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, as children delved into the lives of STEM leaders and embarked on a journey of hands-on learning and collaboration.

Nursery children embarked on a STEAM-fuelled adventure (including the Art element) by mixing and matching materials to witness magical reactions. From colour-changing concoctions to frozen surprises, their giggles and gasps of delight echoed through the corridors. Reception students embraced STEAM week with gusto. They explored germ-killing soap in science, sorted recyclable items with bee bots for technology, and created stunning 'Save our Oceans' art. Their maths skills got a boost too, all while learning the importance of protecting our planet. Our young eco-warriors are proving that even the smallest hands can make a big difference!

Year 1 pupils, equipped with safety goggles and endless enthusiasm, entered the world of chemical reactions inspired by Stephanie Kwolek, the genius behind Kevlar®. Lemon batteries, slime-making sessions, and straw-engineered bicycles kept their creativity buzzing. Meanwhile, Year 2 was on a mission to explore the cosmos with the awe-inspiring astronaut, scientist and presenter Emily Calandrelli as their guide. Rocket-themed artwork served as a backdrop for the STEM fair, while homemade lava lamps had the children bubbling with excitement. The engineering feat which captured their imaginations were the playdough marble mazes which showcased their engineering prowess.

The Year 2 STEM Fair was a dazzling display of creativity and innovation that left judges, Mr Stephen Warr (HMGoG Chief Scientist) and Catherine Walsh from the Ministry of the Environment scratching their heads in awe. From posters to working models, each entry was a testament to the boundless potential of young minds. Niall Perez soared to victory, and won the coveted title of ‘SMLP STEM Project Winner 2024’, with a rocket project that literally took flight. But let’s not forget Bella Parody’s mesmerising slime oobleck and Ellie Barker’s mind-bending colour-taste experiment, which earned them each a highly commended award.

During the week the children were each given the opportunity to invite a trusted adult into school to take part in an activity with them. The lower school children enjoyed a rotational activity session where each station focused on one of the five areas of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths). With reception children wowing the crowd with their STEAM song delving deeper into the different areas of learning.

The grand finale was a ‘demo day’ which brought the entire school together for a spectacle of explosive science. Rocket launches, elephant toothpaste, and the classic Mentos and Coke eruption had everyone on the edge of their seats, including the teachers who got in on the action with some friendly competition.

ICT Lead Mr Capurro commented: ‘It’s always a lot of fun to bring the trusted adults in. The children love sharing their school experience with them and it really serves to foster those all-important community links. The parents are good sports and the competitive feeling was palpable.’

Reflecting on the week, Science Coordinator Mrs. Stych said: ‘STEM week is always one of my favourite weeks at school; the school community really comes together, from collecting recycled materials, for weeks in advance, to searching for obscure items we needed for ‘that’ particular activity. The support the parents have given the school and their willingness to join us in this STEM celebration this week has been a resounding success.’

Maths Coordinator Ms Canepa echoed the sentiment: “As always, having a loved one come into school to join them is an exciting and fun experience. It’s always lovely to see the children working proudly with their loved ones as part of a team. STEM week has been a great experience for everyone involved but most of all for the children.”

Minister for Education, the Hon John Cortes, said: ‘STEM Week 2024 at St Mary’s Lower Primary wasn’t just about learning—it was about igniting passions, building connections, and unleashing the boundless potential of every child. As the week came to a close, one thing was abundantly clear: when it comes to learning, fun is always the best ingredient!


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