The Minister for Housing, the Hon Pat Orfila, is delighted by the overwhelming public response to the hotline for anonymous reports of suspected empty flats.

The Housing Department and Ministry have received numerous calls, prompting a thorough investigation into the said flats.

After careful examination and due diligence, the Minister for Housing has taken decisive action to address the issue of vacant properties. As a result of these efforts, repossession proceedings have been initiated to recover the identified empty flats. This is a process that was already being followed by the department and the recent public reports via the hotline have been welcome assistance.

The Ministry for Housing are pleased to confirm that two properties are now in the final stages of repossession, with a total of seven repossessions commencing since the dedicated hotline was announced on 15th December.

Repossessing these vacant properties underscores this Government’s unequivocal commitment to housing, ensuring that all of the Government’s stock is allocated to individuals and families on the waiting lists.

Members of the public are encouraged to continue reporting any suspected empty flats through the designated hotline. Reports can be made 24/7 by calling 200 40040 and via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Minister for Housing, the Hon Pat Orfila, said: “We are deeply committed to tackling the issue of empty flats and ensuring that every available housing unit is put to good use. The response from the public has been instrumental in our efforts, and we are extremely grateful for their vigilance and support. Together we can create a brighter future for all residents.”

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