
Albert Isola, Minister with responsibility for Financial Services and Maritime Services, led a delegation to Singapore on 7th and 8th April. The delegation included representatives from Gibraltar Finance, and a strong contingent from the private sector including lawyers, accountants, fund administrators and the Gibraltar Stock Exchange (GSX).

The Gibraltar Cultural Services, on behalf of the Ministry for Culture, have announced the return of the Teatro Lirico Andaluz to perform in Gibraltar as part of the Spring Festival Cultural programme.

The ESG have released a statement where they claim they "totally opposes the proposal to build a land-based fuel storage facility, as this is further industrialisation with potentially damaging effects on our environment."

This follows the recent Official Notice by the Govt inviting Expressions of Interest for the creation and development of land based storage of marine fuels in Gibraltar.

The Mayor, Adolfo Canepa, hosted a Reception on Thursday at the Mons Calpe Suite in connection with the Miss Gibraltar Pageant 2016, where 9 contestants drew their official numbers for the pageant.

Workers Memorial Day will be celebrated on Wednesday 27th April 2016. The event is organised by Unite the Union Health and Safety Committee with Gibraltar Cultural Services collaborating and assisting Unite to ensure the smooth running of the event.

The occasion will be celebrated with a short ceremony at the Alameda Gardens as from 11am. The Hon Neil Costa MP will be leading the Ceremony.



The Rainbow Ward at St Bernard’s Hospital was grateful to receive a £14,000 donation from the Guardian Angel Foundation. The donation has funded the refurbishment and development of the existing playroom, including the purchase of new toys, art and craft materials, two laptop computers, a music system, a soft play area and child-friendly furnishings. A large proportion of the money donated by the Guardian Angel Foundation funded the construction and equipment of a sensory room within the original play area.

The Gibraltar Youth Service has been very busy during the Easter holidays offering the community a diverse and exciting programme of activities. All youth clubs have been involved in both onsite and offsite activities for regular members.


Whilst members of the Youth Centre were busy organising an Easter themed children’s fun day at their premises which formed part of their fundraising efforts of their life skills project, members of the Dolphin Youth Club were involved in a sight-seeing historical tour of the Upper Rock and the Gibraltar Museum, a cable car ride and were treated to a performance at the Ince’s Hall Theatre as part of the Gibraltar Drama Festival.


The Govt have announced two measures which deal with fire safety. The first is the publication of a new Part E to the Building Rules together with a supporting Approved Document. Part E deals exclusively with fire safety considerations when it comes to buildings and construction. The second measure is the publication of an Integrated Risk Management Plan. This is a three-year plan which builds on the foundations of risk reduction that the Government and the Gibraltar Fire and Rescue Service have already been delivering.

The opening of two new buildings designed specifically for dementia care, which are new concepts in Gibraltar go much, much further than the completion of a building project,” commented Minister John Cortes.

Five new ‘monkey-proof’ recycling bins have been placed at strategic points around Gibraltar. The bins were designed by Jared Peralta as part of his Design & Technology A- level in 2014. The concept was presented to Minister for the Environment, Dr. John Cortes, as a way of helping to improve the co-existence between humans and the renowned Barbary Macaques.

As part of the ongoing Macaque Awareness Programme spearheaded by the Department of the Environment and Climate Change, a new App on Gibraltar’s Barbary Macaque has been launched by the Minister for the Environment and Climate Change, Dr. John Cortes.

In his capacity as the Leader of the House, the CM has today informed the Speaker that there will be no meetings of the Gibraltar Parliament prior to 23 June.

The ESG welcomes the release today by the SDGG regarding the end of a mass release of balloons on National Day. We have campaigned for some years for this ban alongside the GONHS and many individuals. The recent visit and efforts by Lewis Pugh is also recognised.

It is a great relief to hear that the impact from this annual balloon release on the environment has finally been acknowledged and we thank all those involved, both locally and internationally, in helping arrive at this decision.

As often happens at certain times of year, the present demand on beds at St Bernard’s Hospital is high and it has become necessary to introduce additional beds in in St Bernard’s Hospital and Mount Alvernia in order to cope with current demands and minimize impact on the hospital’s activities.

Detective Constable Jason Oton from the RGP High Tech Crime Unit (HTCU) has been commended by the US Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Attaché at the US Embassy in London.

Gibraltar College students have presented Father Charlie of Nazareth House with a donation of £500.  This money was collected by Level 1 students during a recent event as part of their "Volunteering for an Event" award.  A stall was set up on 9 February at the Piazza selling Valentine-related cards and gifts, all of them made by the students and their teachers.

In what marks the start of a campaign to bring together Gibraltar’s key representative and civil society organisations, the newly formed ‘Gibraltar Stronger In Europe’ board met yesterday with the Chief Minister Fabian Picardo, Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia and the Leader of the Opposition Daniel Feetham, who, in their capacities as party leaders,  have confirmed their wholehearted support for the Stronger In Campaign.

The newly-formed ‘Gibraltar Stronger in Europe’ Board met today with the Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo QC, Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia and the Leader of the Opposition Daniel Feetham who, in their capacities as party leaders, have confirmed their wholehearted support for the Stronger In Campaign.


The Government has stated it is firmly of the view that to issue new business licences to trade in tobacco, by way of wholesale and/or retail, may pose a serious reputational risk to Gibraltar and may have a negative impact on the day to day lives of those living and working in Gibraltar.

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