
The Friends of Gibraltar AGM was held last night at Gibraltar House, London, under the Chairmanship of Sir Adrian Johns.

An exhibition about Gibraltar in the European Parliament was opened by the Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia yesterday morning.

Officers of HM Customs Marine Unit have this afternoon recovered a total of 22 bales of cannabis resin along the east side coast of the Rock.

Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar has observed a noticeable increase in the number of applications for new business licences to be carried out from Government residential premises or other potentially restricted residential premises.

The Deputy Chief Minister, Dr Joseph Garcia, is in Brussels for a series of meetings with the European Commission and in the European Parliament.

A referendum will be held in Gibraltar on Thursday the 23rd June 2016 on whether the United Kingdom should remain a Member State of the European Union.

The Gibraltar Health Authority is still inviting nominations for the 2015/16 staff awards programme from patients, patients’ relatives, carers and friends who have received or witnessed the provision of excellent care either to themselves or others.

As announced by the former Mayor Cdr AD Lima MBE Rd*RNR the scope of the Mayor’s Award Scheme was widened.

In preparation for a trip to the United Kingdom in July, the Youth Service spent an exciting weekend at the Gibraltar Retreat Centre for the sixteen young people that are involved.

The Parasol Foundation in collaboration with The Gibraltar Academy of Music and Performing Arts (GAMPA) on behalf of the Ministry of Culture are proud to announce “The Parasol Foundation Scholarship Programme”.

Commissioner of Police Eddie Yome CPM is attending the 9th annual conference on Border Security in Rome, Italy.

Officers of the Operations Division have, on Wednesday the 17th of February, arrested a nineteen year old local man on suspicion of being in possession of a firearm.

Officers of the Crime and Protective Services Division have seized a substantial quantity of tobacco valued at approximately £110,000.

The Government notes the statement issued by the Small Boat Owners’ Association and wishes to clarify a number of issues in that statement.

A delegation from the Congress of the United States of America is in Gibraltar.

At a reception to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Gibraltar Women’s Association, the Chief Minister, the Hon Fabian Picardo QC, paid tribute to the Association’s historic achievements for Gibraltar’s society and the important role that the Association continues to play.

Laguna Youth Club invited its younger members for a Valentine’s Day themed disco.

Officers of the Crime and Protective Services Division are investigating the unexplained death of a man whose body was discovered on the 15th February 2016.

H.M. Government of Gibraltar would like to remind purchasers of homes at Beach View Terraces and Mons Calpe Mews that the developments have included specific energy efficient technologies which contribute significantly to the A energy rating of all flats.

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