The ESG have issued the following statement welcoming the latest bus tracker web app.
Gibraltar Cultural Services, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, have announced today that the organisation, production and staging of 2016 & 2017 Summer Nights have been awarded to Gib Media.
Govt have expressed its genuine solidarity with the few remaining employees of Barclays in Gibraltar. Barclays is principally letting them and their families down after many of them will have decided or been forced to stay with the Bank at the time of its withdrawl from the retail banking sector in Gibraltar.
Read more: Govt Expresses its Solidarity with Barclays' Employees
Speaking earlier today the Governor said “On the occasion of Her Majesty The Queen’s 90th Birthday, I am very honoured to have been the Inspecting Officer for today’s 21-gun salute.
Read more: Governor Honoured to be Inspecting Officer During 21-Gun Salute
Barclays exit will leave Gibraltar residents ‘high and dry’, warns Unite
Chief Minister's message to HM The Queen on her 90th Birthday
The Gibraltar Tourist Board extends a warm welcome to Le Lyrial on its inaugural call to Gibraltar today. Le Lyrial, of the Ponant Group, is a luxury style yacht with a capacity of 264 passengers.
The lighting of the Queen’s 90th Birthday beacon will take place on Thursday 21st April from the top of the Moorish Castle (Tower of Homage) at 9:15pm. The beacon will be lit by Manar Bentahayekt in the presence of His Excellency the Governor, Chief Minister Fabian Picardo, and Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia. Ms Bentahayekt’s parents and her ‘Med Steps Challenge’ training team will also be in attendance.
Read more: Gibraltar Lights Up for the Queen’s 90th Birthday
Following recent promotion boards held at the Human Resources Department, the following Gibraltar Fire & Rescue Service personnel have been promoted within the Operations Department.
Firefighters Dino Navarro, Frank Baglietto, Chisum Sanchez and Martin Posso have been promoted to the rank of Leading Firefighter.
Leading Firefighters Dino Navarro and Frank Baglietto joined the Organisation in September 2004. Mr Navarro has since acquired a variety of skills qualifying him as one of the Brigade’s Rope Rescue Supervisors. He also assists in the development of personnel in his capacity of First Aid trainer. Leading firefighter Frank Baglietto has himself attended numerous courses locally and abroad. He successfully completed the British Sub Aqua Club (BSAC) Instructor qualification and currently forms part of the Brigade’s diving instructor complement.
Both Leading Firefighter Chisum Sanchez and Martin Posso first entered the Service in April 2005. Mr Sanchez is also a qualified Rope Rescue Supervisor and like Leading Firefighter Baglietto also forms part of our diving equipment maintenance team. For his part, Mr Posso has been entrusted with the supervision and maintenance of all the Brigade’s hoses and small gear. He will be taking up duties within White Watch and like all the other recently promoted colleagues, will attend the Incident Command Level 1 course at the Fire Service College.
The Gibraltar Fire and Rescue Service wishes these officers the best of luck when leading their crews through this new phase in their careers.
Fire fighter Jordan Hurtado has successfully completed the Firefighter Foundation Development Programme at the fire service college in Moreton-In-Marsh, Gloucestershire, UK.
Read more: A New Firefighter for the Gibraltar Fire & Rescue Service
Last week, the Gibraltar Government Archivist, Anthony Pitaluga, spoke at the Preservation 2016 Global User Group Conference at Oxford University.
The Port Authority has announced that it will host an Open Day on the sail training Tall Ship ‘Jean de la Lune’ for the Gibraltar public on Sunday 24th April.
Read more: GPA Hosting Sail Training Ship Open Day - Sunday 24th April 2016
easyJet has today celebrated its first year of operations on the Bristol – Gibraltar Route. The service, which commenced on 19 April 2015, has carried over 35,000 passengers in its first year. Operating on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, services have been operated by the carrier’s 156 seat Airbus 319 type.
Read more: easyJet Celebrates One Year Anniversary of Bristol - Gibraltar Launch
A year ago that, in May 2015, the Government invited Expressions of Interest in respect of the Central Police Station building.
The deadline for submissions was 31 July 2015, after which the process closed and discussions commenced in order to progress the preferred scheme. Govt have said the decision to proceed in this way was taken after careful consideration of the state of the building.
The Chief Minister today paid an official visit to Cadiz. He was met by the President of the Diputación de Cadiz, Doña Irene Garcia of the PSOE. Mr Picardo and Mrs Garcia discussed matters of mutual interest and co-operation between the Cadiz Province and Gibraltar.
Dear Editor,
RE: Sir Simon Hughe's statement on 14th April
I was very glad to have heard Sir Simon Hughes say in his address to the people of Gibraltar last week “I have always wanted there to be way for Gibraltar’s voice to be heard in the UK WHICH i HAVE CONSTANTLY ARGUED MYSELF”. He was of course referring to his view that Gibraltar should have Representation in Westminster. Notice that he should the words “I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED”.
Sir Simon Hughes, a friend of mine for many years, was no doubt recalling how he and many other MPs, like Andrew Rosindell loudly supported Gibraltar when the Enfranchisement Bill went to the British Parliament proposing that Gibraltar should be able to vote with Britain in the EU Elections as a Region of the UK.
With him, supporting Gibraltar were other MPs like Dennis Turner, Andrew MACKLEY, Andrew Rosindell, Linsdsay Hoyle, Andres Flook, Tim Loughton, D Ruffley, Geraldine Smith, Acting Attorney General, William Cash and David Heath and several others. During their various speeches on the 10th December 2002 they all vigorously upheld the view that it was about time that Gibraltar had its own voice in Westminster. I wrote several articles and letters in this Newspaper bringing this history fact to the notice of the people of Gibraltar.
For the last four years our Movement, “GIBRALTAR IN WESTMINSTER MOVEMENT has held several meetings with the GSLP/ALLIANCE leaders and we have outlined this concept of Representation In Westminster as the means to correcting a Parliamentary Deficit, where Gibraltarians as Full British Citizens have no say in their Mother Parliament whilst retaining the level of Self Government that we enjoy today.
Gibraltar should see the security that this would give Gibraltar and also the advancement in our Democratic system should we advance in this direction.
Past Gibraltar leaders have shied away from these proposals for several reasons, one of them being that some leaders have had hidden agendas or ulterior political plans or motives and Representation in Westminster would interfere with these policies.
Those wishing to join the Gibraltar In Westminster Movement should write or call Joe at
58009064 or write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Joe L Caruana MBE
In a hearing held on Thursday 14 April 2016 in the Supreme Court, Chief Justice Mr Anthony Dudley, has decided to make a preliminary reference to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg. This is the first time that a court in Gibraltar makes a preliminary reference to the European Court.
The Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation & Awareness services of the Care Agency are supporting the Fun Day, jointly organised with the Royal Gibraltar Police in aid of the Stay Clean charity.
May Day Celebrations begin at 11am from Casemates Square with a Fun Day to include live music, live performances, a Rock Concert, DJ’s and international performer Ben Haenow.
Members of the public are invited to watch a Ceremonial Guard Mount outside the Convent at midday on Saturday 16 April. This will be the first ceremonial Guard Mount of 2016, and will be conducted by B Company of the Royal Gibraltar Regiment, accompanied by the Band and Corp of Drums. This formal Changing of the Guard ceremony is now conducted four times a year, in the spring and early summer.
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