Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar strongly condemns yesterday’s cowardly attack on HM Customs Officers, who were on-duty and responding to reports of suspected smuggling.

Even after backup arrived for the first Customs patrol car, the Officers of HM Customs and the Royal Gibraltar Police were outnumbered two-to-one by their attackers. The Government can confirm that one Customs Officer sustained injuries and was taken to hospital for medical examination. The Officer has since been released from hospital.

The Government does not and will not tolerate any incidences of smuggling, and it was to this end that the Officers were working. The Government deplores the acts of violence by the suspects against law enforcement officers who were fulfilling their duties to protect and serve. A full investigation into the incident has been launched.

The Chief Minister, the Hon Fabian Picardo QC, said: ‘I have already discussed the incident with the Collector of Customs and with the Commissioner of Police. It is deeply regrettable that a Customs Officer was injured in the line of duty and I wish them a speedy recovery’.

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