The Ministry of Transport would like to remind the public of the school bus schedule and the importance that school children use this bus whenever possible instead of the route buses.

The Gibraltar Bus Company carried over 1.7million passengers in 2023 and is an essential transport method for many who travel to school and work.

To facilitate all its passengers as best as possible, four school bus services are offered on a daily basis. This is to ensure the buses can cater for both workers and school children in the mornings. It is often observed that school children would rather use the normal route bus and not the dedicated school one. The effect of this is that adults often find themselves without a spot on the bus and arrive late to work or use alternative transport, whilst the school bus runs with plenty of empty seats.

The times of the morning school buses are:

S2 08:15 Elliot's Battery

S3 08:10 South Pavilion

S3 08:20 South Pavilion

S8 08:30 Catalan Bay

Parents and guardians are encouraged to ensure their children use these buses whenever possible to ensure the service can be used effectively by everyone.

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