Minister John Cortes, who has recently taken on Infrastructure in his Portfolio, has set up an Infrastructure co-ordination Committee which met with him for the first time on Thursday.
The Committee includes the Chief Technical Officer and representatives from the Technical Services Department, Gibraltar Electricity Authority, AquaGib, Gibtel and the Department of the Environment. The Committee will meet with the Minister on at least a quarterly basis, with an operational subcommittee meeting at least monthly.
This will ensure co-ordination of infrastructure works around Gibraltar, avoiding duplication and making these works more efficient and cost-effective. This is expected to result in less disruption to the public in general, and help reduce and manage traffic diversions, noise and dust.
Minister Cortes said: “I am privileged to have worked with many of these professionals through the years. There is great expertise here, and our aim is to pool our knowledge and resources in such a way that infrastructure works, while always inconvenient, will be managed in a way to minimise disruption, with full information being made available to the public in advance. We will move Gibraltar forward, improving our quality of life, in the most efficient and effective manner possible.”