The GHA has announced the establishment of its Patient Voice Group. The Group, formed of community volunteers, will work directly with the Office of the Director General to monitor the quality of the service provided to patients across the GHA.
The group will visit different areas and departments, talking to patients, carers and staff to complete a structured questionnaire. The information will then be collated and a report will be prepared for the areas surveyed, so that the GHA can learn and make improvements where appropriate.
The Patient Voice Group are:
• Vicky O’Neil – Head of Clinical Governance
• Priscilla Mañasco
• Terry Lynn Bautista
• Roland Erwin Van De Vijver
• Thelma Van De Vijver
• Julie Gonzalez
• Paula Galliano
• Lydia Griffiths
• Wendy Clouter
The Director General, Prof Patrick Geoghegan, said: ‘I am delighted to Chair and launch the Patient Voice Group, another commitment made by the GHA as part of its Reset, Restart and Recover strategy to listen to the voice of our service users and ensure that their views are inform the GHA’s transformational agenda.’