The Chief Minister Fabian Picardo, in consultation with the Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia, has carried out a ministerial reallocation of responsibilities.

The GSLP/Liberal Government was first elected in December 2011. There was a Cabinet reshuffle on 9 December 2014 on the third anniversary date of that election.

Following last general election of 26 November 2015, there were a number of changes made to some Ministerial portfolios affecting mainly the Chief Minister and the Deputy Chief Minister. It was made clear at that time that a more extensive reshuffle would follow in 2016.

This is therefore the second Cabinet reshuffle since December 2011 and the first major one since the general election of 26 November 2015.

Summary of new portfolios

1. The Deputy Chief Minister Hon Dr Joseph Garcia

The Deputy Chief Minister becomes the Minister for Brexit as well as Europe, given the ever increasing volume of work in this area.

2. The Minister for the Environment, Energy, Climate Change and Education - Hon Dr John Cortes

The Hon Dr John Cortes takes on responsibility for Education, Heritage, Urban Renewal and the maintenance, administration and operation of tourist sites and beaches.

3. The Minister for Tourism, Employment, Commercial Aviation and The Port – Hon Gilbert Licudi

The Hon Gilbert Licudi takes on responsibility for Tourism, Commercial Aviation, the Port, Maritime Services and Employment.

4. The Minister for Commerce – Hon Albert Isola

The Hon Albert Isola takes on responsibility for Business and Commercial Affairs, IT, e- Government, e-Commerce and Postal Services.

5. The Minister for Health, Care and Justice – Hon Neil Costa

The Hon Neil Costa takes on responsibility for the Gibraltar Health Authority, Elderly Residential Services, Social Services, The Disabled and Justice.

6. The Minister for Housing and Equality – Hon Samantha Sacramento

The Hon Samantha Sacramento takes on responsibility for Civic Rights, Citizen’s Advice, Ombudsman, Consumer Affairs, Data Protection and Health and Safety.

7. The Minister for Culture, Media, Youth and Sport – Hon Steven Linares

The Hon Steven Linares takes on responsibility for Broadcasting and the Media.

8. The Minister for Infrastructure and Planning – Hon Paul Balban

The Hon Paul Balban retains responsibility for Town Planning, Technical Services and Traffic.

9. The Minister for Economic Development, Telecommunications and the Gibraltar Savings Bank – Hon Joe Bossano

The Hon Joe Bossano takes on responsibility for Public Sector Efficiency and Procurement.

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