Government has introduced the Gibraltar Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme 2016 (ESOS), under the Environmental Protection (Energy End-Use Efficiency) Act 2009. The Gibraltar ESOS Regulations 2016 give effect to Article 8 of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU).


The aim of these Regulations is to cut carbon emissions and reduce energy consumption by requiring large businesses to fully quantify their energy use and identify energy reduction measures.


ESOS is a mandatory energy assessment scheme for organisations that qualify as large undertakings. A large undertaking is any Gibraltar undertaking that meets either one or both of the conditions: it employs 250 or more people; and/ or, it has an annual turnover in excess of 50 million euros (£38,937,777), and an annual balance sheet total in excess of43 million euros (£33,486,489).


Organisations that qualify for ESOS are required to carry out ESOS assessments every 4 years. These assessments are audits of the energy used by their buildings, industrial processes and transport and will help to identify cost-effective energy saving opportunities. The audit must be carried out by an ESOS Lead Energy Assessor under the Government of Gibraltar ESOS Accreditation Scheme, and signed off by a board-level director.


The Department of the Environment and Climate Change, is the administrative body for this scheme. All necessary information on ESOS, including a list of ESOS Lead Assessors, can be found at the Department’s webpage at: opportunity-scheme. A full ESOS guidance document is also available.


Organisations who meet the specified criteria must register with the Department by December 5th 2016. Qualifying organisations can register by emailing the Department at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; stating their Company name, address, contact details, person responsible for ensuring compliance with ESOS and name of your Lead Assessor (if assigned). Businesses must submit a notification of compliance when they have completed their ESOS assessment.


Minister for the Environment Dr John Cortes commented, “Energy efficiency is of great importance in reducing our carbon footprint and the damage this does to the planet. But it also makes financial sense, to both individuals and to businesses, as energy efficiency measures can result in considerable cost savings, and any investment that may be necessary is quickly recovered. I would urge all businesses, not just those large ones required to do so by these Regulations, to have a close look at where they can make these win-win efficiencies.

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