The Gibraltar Stronger In Europe Campaign is delighted with the response which it has had from the general public after its official launch yesterday at the Piazza.  The overwhelming support seen for the remain campaign is quite palpable.

 Gemma Vasquez stated “It’s extremely gratifying to see people turning up to ask how to register, to ensure that they are registered and to get information in general on the Campaign.  The mere fact that we have support from all the political parties shows that this is an issue on which Gibraltar is hugely united. I call on the public to keep up the momentum so that as many eligible voters as possible exercise their right to vote on June 23.

The main message which will be sent out by the Campaign for the next couple of weeks, is to ensure that people are registered before the deadline for registration on 7 June 2016. It is important to remember that people who will be away on holiday or business the day of the referendum can arrange either a postal or a proxy vote.

The message from the Gibraltar Stronger In Europe Group is clear - you can vote in this referendum if you are registered to vote in Gibraltar, are 18 or over on 23 June 2016 and you are either a British citizen, a Commonwealth citizen, or a citizen of the Republic of Ireland resident in Gibraltar.  If you do not have a Gibraltar address, but you have lived away from the UK for less than 15 years, you are able to register to vote with the UK authorities at

We would encourage anyone who has any doubts whatsoever, to come and see us at our premises at 192 Main Street.  We are happy to help anyone and everyone with the registration process, as well as answering any questions they may have” states Gemma Vasquez.





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