The third intake of Pupil Nurses for the Enrolled Nurse Training Programme at the School of Health Studies is being prepared to accomplish the challenges of modern day healthcare, concentrating on prevention and patient wellbeing. Those commencing this programme are all nursing assistants who have been provided with a pathway that will enable them to develop their careers.
The course commences on February 27th 2017 with record numbers of pupils (20) from across the GHA on this programme of study.
On successful completion of this programme, the Enrolled Nurse receives a level three Qualification and Credit Framework award, (an internationally recognised qualification), as well as entry on to the Gibraltar Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors Professional Register. The scheme will produce health workers with a higher skill-set who will assist, support and complement the hands-on, holistic care provided by Registered Nurses, with a focus on ensuring that patients continue to receive the compassionate and high quality care they need.
Enrolled Nurses can, if they wish, make an application to undertake training that can lead to Register Nurse status. GHA are in discussion with St George’s University of London and Kingston University London to agree further pathways that will offer the nursing workforce additional career routes, offering progression opportunities and job satisfaction to those who want to develop themselves in this important profession. The course will be devised to meet the GHA’s specific needs.
Further, a total of 20 trainees completed a one week induction period coordinated by the GHA School of Health Studies from 9th to 13th January 2017. The group was introduced to core nursing themes, such as patient centred care, dignity, confidentiality and basic communication skills. Other practical competences included manual handling, basic life support and oral hygiene.
Following the induction at St. Bernard’s and the University of Gibraltar, trainees are being deployed on an eight week rotation between acute hospital care, mental health and Elderly Residential Services, thereby giving them a broad base on which to further develop their skills set. During these clinical placements, candidates are supported by qualified staff and continually assessed against set criteria such as attitude, initiative, dependability and ability to work effectively as part of a team. Rotations will conclude after a six month period with a summative assessment, providing a base for recommendation as to longer term employment.
Minister for Health, Care and Justice Neil Costa MP said: “We wish the new intake of students for the Enrolled Nurse training programme much success and look forward to welcoming them into the GHA workforce as fully fledged Enrolled Nurses. Patient safety is of paramount importance, and at the heart of everything that we do, and we are confident that the GHA will continue to produce specialised, skilled and adaptable workers to adequately meet the increasingly complex care needs of our community.”
“Additionally, the induction of trainees by the GHA’s School of Health Studies, provides valuable insight to individuals looking to embark in a career in nursing. The placements across St Bernard’s Hospital, Ocean Views and the Elderly Residential Services will offer the trainees invaluable exposure to the profession.”