The Minister for Justice, Trade and Industry, the Hon Nigel Feetham KC MP, was honoured to accept an invitation to visit Trusted Novus Bank (TNB).

'This visit reaffirms the Government’s commitment to fostering strong partnerships and promoting engagement between the Government and the financial sectors.'

The visit offered Minister Feetham a comprehensive tour of the Bank's expansive Main Street premises, providing him with an opportunity to gain first hand insights into each of the different sections making up the Bank. During the tour, Minister Feetham engaged in one-on-one conversations with practically all of the Bank’s dedicated staff members, gaining a deeper understanding of their individual journeys into the local banking industry and the work that they carry out on a daily basis.

Another highlight of the visit was a discussion led by TNB’s CEO, Christian Bjørløw, who provided valuable insights into the Bank's core values and corporate culture. Christian Bjørløw also emphasized the TNB’s commitment to community engagement and its initiatives aimed at nurturing young talent, particularly through the recently launched apprenticeship scheme.

The Minister for Justice, Trade and Industry, the Hon Nigel Feetham KC MP, commented: "TNB’s commitment to employees, customers, shareholders and the local community was very evident in my discussions with management, and importantly, it is a commitment that was echoed and appreciated by all the employees I spoke to. I tried to engage practically with everyone at the Bank. Their investment in young people and drive for community development is highly commendable."


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