HM Government of Gibraltar has said it welcomes the recognition by the UK Government of Centre Assessed Grades.

'This is very good news for many students who felt hard done by with the grades originally awarded to them. This has been a hard year for students, parents and educators. The experience with the initial A-Level was clearly going to get even worse with GCSE's. This mechanism now ensures that students will now be awarded grades assessed by those closest to their work and with the deepest understanding of each student’s ability.'

'In Gibraltar, we will therefore no longer have to fund appeals or recognise the CAGs for the purposes of awarding the status of Gibraltar Scholars.'

The Government also extended its congratulations to all A-Level students on the basis of their final grades which will now be the grades they were awarded by their teachers.

Government said that this solution is a fairer and more equitable solution given the number of unfair situations which had come to their attention in the past days.

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