
Prostate Cancer Gibraltar’s ‘Movember on the Rock’ Awareness Campaign was launched by His Worship the Mayor, Mr Christian Santos GMD at City Hall on 1st November.

Nine children, from across our schools and part of the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme, visited Tovey Cottage for an educational talk on our birds of prey, delivered by Vincent Robba from GONHS Raptor Unit.

As part of the ongoing enhancements to the Sustainable Traffic, Transport & Parking Plan (STTPP), a new Parking Management mobile project has been launched that will use ANPR technology to easily verify cars with permission to park in zones and estates.

Gibraltar Cultural Services, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture regrets to inform that Alan Titchmarsh MBE will be unable to attend Gibraltar Literature Week due to personal family reasons.

Government says it regrets that it has not been possible to proceed with the wholesale redevelopment of Road to the Lines in the manner which had originally been planned.

The long lost Montagu Sea-Bathing Pavilion plaque, missing since 1988, has finally been restored and placed on the exterior façade of the Montagu entrance.

Gibraltar Cultural Services, working alongside teacher and playwright Julian Felice, will be holding the annual conference event on Saturday 5th February 2022 at the John Mackintosh Hall.

Gibraltar Cultural Services, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, has announced that the 2021 Cultural Awards will be aired on GBC and broadcast via Livestream on gbc.gi.

In a statement released today, the GEA explain that around 12:30 today, a contractor working in the area of Europa Point damaged a High Voltage cable which forms part of the old ex-MOD network.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between Gibraltar Cultural Services and the University of Gibraltar, marking a closer collaboration between both entities.

Last Friday evening, at around 20:30 Gibraltar suffered a major power outage which effectively resulted in some 75% of the community being left with any power.

Government has announced that it has signed Heads of Terms for an agreement for the development of the Eastside Reclamation.

La Epoca ‘Dorada’ de Grazalema by Jose Manuel Amarillo was launched at the John Mackintosh Hall on Thursday evening.

The Minister for Business and Tourism has met with the three most important low cost airlines in Europe.

The interview series ‘An Audience With...’ showcasing an array of local authors and writers returns this year as a focal part of Gibraltar Literature Week 2021.

The Government has said it agreed the sale of the plot of land comprised of the area that was the old Bayside Comprehensive School and the old St Anne’s Middle School to the highest bidder.

Minister Vijay Daryanani has welcomed the MS Borealis cruise ship on its inaugural visit to Gibraltar.

The first day of talks between the United Kingdom, together with Gibraltar, and the European Union on the future relationship of Gibraltar with the EU took place this afternoon in Brussels.

His Worship the Mayor, Mr Christian Santos GMD hosted an evening reception for the Gibraltar Netball Association on the occasion of them hosting the Europe Netball Open Challenge in Gibraltar.

Gibraltar Cultural Services, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, has announced the details for this year’s Classical Concert as part of its Autumn Programme. The concert will be held on Monday 18th October 2021 at St Michael’s Cave at 8pm.

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