The Minister with responsibility for the South District Constituency, John Cortes, hosted the first of a series of ’Town Hall’ type constituency meeting on Friday afternoon at the Central Hall.

The meeting was an opportunity for the Minister and officials to listen to concerns and suggestions from residents of the area, and to discuss matters of interest to constituents.

The meeting, which lasted just short of two hours was productive with plenty of suggestions made by the persons present. Subjects raised ranged from parking to footpaths, green areas to bin stores, and chickens to air quality. The Ministry team will now refer all the matters raised to the relevant departments for their officials to tackle, and will give feedback.

Minister John Cortes said: “This was a really useful meeting which identified important areas where the quality of life of our constituents can be improved. The Constituency initiative provides a clear avenue of communication between the citizen and Government bodies, bringing us all closer together for the good of our community.

There will be further meetings organised in coming months, including some at a later time to allow residents at work to join in, and where feedback will be provided.

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