The Minister for Justice, Trade and Industry, the Hon Nigel Feetham KC MP, accepted an invitation to visit PwC.

The first half of the visit saw Minister Feetham join the senior management team for a discussion around local developments and industry trends in the financial sectors. The second half of the visit was hosted by PwC’s younger members of staff, many of whom sit on the firm’s people and digital committees. They each engaged with Minister Feetham on a one-to-one basis and recounted their academic and career paths into and with PwC.

Minister Nigel Feetham commented: “I was pleased to visit PwC at their offices. My work schedule is relentless but I nevertheless try to make time to keep up these important engagements. These visits allow me to feel the pulse directly from our financial sectors and understand how the measures that we have rolled out are received by the industry. I was delighted that the senior management team, who have a wealth of experience under their belt, expressed their candid support for our recent initiatives. These sessions also provide a superb opportunity to brainstorm around new initiatives that we are working on.

“One of the statistics that stuck with me was how PwC had taken on 17 new employees in the current financial year, taking their total headcount to about 100. The firm’s investment in new recruits was evidenced by the high quality engagement that I experienced with some of the youngster’s working at the firm. They showed genuine interest in our recent initiatives and highlighted insights from a perspective that is not routinely available outside of these engagements.

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