Lord Ricketts, EU Committee Chair and DCM​

The Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia has met UK Minister for Europe Leo Docherty MP in London.

He has also held a series of cross-party meetings connected to the ongoing treaty negotiations and to the alternative plan for no agreement (NNO).

Dr Garcia held a positive meeting with Labour Shadow Europe Minister Stephen Doughty MP in order to discuss current issues affecting Gibraltar, including an NNO outcome. Mr Doughty, who has already met both the Chief Minister and the Deputy Chief Minister several times, again reiterated Labour’s support for Gibraltar and for a beneficial treaty.

Dr Garcia then gave a briefing to Members of the European Scrutiny Committee of the House of Commons at their request, in a private session, where he was questioned on the details of a potential treaty and on the consequences of not agreeing one.

The Deputy Chief Minister also discussed Gibraltar issues with the Chair of the European Affairs Committee of the House of Lords Lord Ricketts, who is a cross-bencher, and with the Foreign Affairs spokesperson of the Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords, Lord Purvis.

The Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia said:

I was delighted with the cross-part support that continues to exist and for the determination in all quarters to safeguard and protect Gibraltar. This was reflected in all my meetings, in particular with Europe Minister Leo Docherty and also with his Labour and Liberal Democrat counterparts Stephen Doughty and Lord Purvis.

“The Government considers it important to continue to inform our friends in the UK Parliament, now that the treaty negotiations have resumed, in order that the policy priorities of Gibraltar are understood by decision-makers in London.

Deputy Chief Minister with Europe Minister Leo Docherty MP

Labour Shadow Europe Stephen Doughty MP with Dr Garcia

Garcia with Lib Dem Foreign Affairs Lord Purvis


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