A recent multi-agency tested Gibraltar’s preparedness in the event of the declaration of an air emergency.

The tabletop exercise was jointly organised by the Office of Civil Contingencies, Airport Fire and Rescue Service and RAF Gibraltar. The Emergency Services, other responding agencies and the military participated in the exercise held at the Wessex Lounge, which simulated the immediate response to a scenario that involved a crash on approach to land testing both land and maritime assets.

The exercise was preceded by presentations from the Civil Contingencies Coordinator and representatives of RAF Gibraltar on the importance of robust air safety, and provided an opportunity to test and review Gibraltar’s joint response procedures.

The Minister for Civil Contingencies, the Hon Samantha Sacramento, said: "Exercises such as these are an important part of the essential and continuous process of testing and reviewing Gibraltar’s multi-agency response to a potential emergency. This year’s exercise tested both land and maritime responses simultaneously, in a challenging scenario that offered logistical complications, offering an important opportunity to examine the strength of our existing procedures and review any details as necessary. I’d like to thank the Office of Civil Contingencies for their tireless work in maintaining Gibraltar’s readiness for any possible scenario."

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