The GHA have announced that it has purchased 20 new Automated External Defibrillators (AED's) for our local community which will provide improved and modern AED’s located in different sites throughout Gibraltar.

These are most welcome and will be a significant upgrade to the ones previously installed.

The purchase of these 20 new AEDs has only been possible through the generosity of the trustees of the Hope Charity Trust, represented by Mr Charles Bottaro who have funded the entire cost of providing these across our community.

An AED is a portable device used for persons who have suddenly collapsed, lost consciousness and stopped breathing. It monitors the patient’s heart rhythm and will deliver electrical shock waves if and when required.

The GHA wish to emphasise that these devices can save lives, as sudden cardiac arrest is a leading cause of premature death and the chances of survival increases when an AED is used within 5-8 minutes. Hence, the sooner a person is treated by an electrical shock (defibrillation), the greater the chance of the person’s life being saved. It is important to note that AEDs can be accessed by members of the public and used safely and successfully by people with no specific training to save lives.

In order to give an opportunity to the Community to familiarise themselves with these devices, the GHA held an awareness stall on Wednesday 26th July and future awareness sessions are being organised across the community.

Charles Bottaro on behalf of the trustees said “We are delighted to have been able to partner with the GHA and fund the purchase of these AEDs. We hope that this initiative will help to save lives."

The GHA’s Director General Professor Patrick Geoghegan OBE said “I am delighted with the donation provided by the trustees of the Hope Charity Trust. The purchasing of these AEDs will make the community safer. However, I urge the community that when the GHA announce the dates for these additional awareness events that as many people as possible attend. By working together we can make a real difference.”

The Minister for Health, The Hon Albert Isola MP said “I endorse the DG’s advice as we in Gibraltar are a community who look after each other. Knowing how to use an AED can be the difference between life and death, and therefore I hope that many members of our community attend the GHA awareness sessions. I would also like to sincerely thank Mr Charles Bottaro and the trustees of the Hope Charity Trust for their generosity in making this possible. Gibraltar is most fortunate to have this support and I am deeply grateful.”

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