Today saw the launch event of, opened by the Hon Steven Linares, Minister for Housing, Employment, Youth & Sport, at the Garrison Library with guests in attendance who have contributed both written and recorded content for the site.

The website has been developed by the Gibraltar Youth Service and the CIPD Gibraltar Branch who have also funded the project. A working partnership agreement between the Youth Service and CIPD Gibraltar Branch was signed in March this year in the presence of the Minister.

The launch of the website follows months of hard work with planning and coordination of interviews and cooperation of both the civil service and the private sector in providing written content on the various career options and pathways available in Gibraltar.

The website has four main sections to it enabling young people to access a range of careers related information. The four sections are as follows:

Career Options – Where the site visitor can access a range of information on various job sectors in Gibraltar.

Career Pathways – Higher Education, Apprenticeships (both local and UK based) or local based training.

Career Toolkit – Applications & CVs, Interviews including Personal Development & Transferable Skills.

Career Insights – Interesting & inspiring career stories and ‘a day in the life of’ stories.

The website aims to provide information on the wide variety of careers available locally and inspire young people to choose a career pathway relevant to Gibraltar. 

The Gibraltar Youth Service and CIPD Gibraltar Branch would like to thank the civil service departments and private sector businesses who have contributed to the website so far. The website will continue to be populated with more content each quarter with its next scheduled video recording dates and content update on Wednesday 27th & Thursday 28th September 2023.

Minister for Housing, Employment, Youth & Sport, the Hon Steven Linares, said: “As the Minister with responsibility for both the Youth Service and Employment, I am delighted to have been given the privilege of launching this portal that will provide many with the tools and information on Gibraltar’s job market. In these unprecedented times we live in, the site will give the young and not so young an insight from CV writing to interview skills and professional development. I would personally like to thank the staff at the Youth Service and the CIPD for joining forces and co-developing this project.

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