The Ince’s Hall Theatre will be undergoing a new refurbishment project to keep in line with accessibility.

The project, undertaken by Gibraltar Cultural Services for the Ministry for Culture will include, as well as essential maintenance works, providing new accessible toilets on the ground floor, refurbishment of the ground floor changing rooms, installation of an outdoor lift direct to the auditorium and the installation of a stair lift to the sound and lights control room.

The Minister for Culture, the Hon Prof Dr John Cortes said:

We are delighted to be able to proceed with another of our cultural manifesto commitments: Ince’s Hall Accessibility. The Government understands the importance of making this historical venue accessible to all.

It has been a project long overdue, but one that will enable everyone with mobility issues to enjoy all the cultural activities taking place at the Ince’s Hall Theatre. It will also benefit people who work in the theatre industry by making accessible the entry to the sound and lights control room located on the top floor of the facility.’

The project is envisaged to take approximately four months to complete.

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