Over several years, the Charity Committee of the Royal Gibraltar Police (RGP) has worked with and supported the Gibraltar Youth Service.

Once again the annual residential was partly funded by the RGP with staff from Gibraltar Youth Service and the RGP collaborating on and overseeing a fun packed weekend away in El Puerto de Santa Maria with 14 members from Laguna Youth Club.

The weekend offered the young people the opportunity to take part in outdoor adventure based activities including archery, a high ropes course, cycling and kayaking as well as various team-building activities based on the periphery of the Bahía de Cádiz Natural Park. These activities, in addition to the chance to experience a weekend away from home, offered the youngsters the opportunity to continue building and developing their personal and social skills in an alternative environment.

The experience also enhanced the relationship between the RGP officers and the selected participants, as well as the participants’ ability to initiate, build and develop their relationships with others within their age range.

The Gibraltar Youth Service would like to thank the RGP for partly funding this trip.

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