Over three hundred parking spaces for commercial vehicles will be put on sale by the Government at the expanded North Mole industrial park. The spaces, which will be advertised shortly, will be divided between 250 covered and 87 uncovered spaces.

The cost of the spaces will be £ 23,990 in the open air or £ 29,990 for a covered space.

The parking spaces are being sold for the parking of a single commercial vehicle which does not extend beyond the boundaries of the parking bay.

The size of the parking spaces will be approximately 2.4m x 5.1m, and the height limit throughout the parking area will be 2.8m (including ramps).

The Government will permit multiple parking allocations to the same organisation/business entity, but consideration will be given to ensure that as many applicants as possible are accommodated.

In the event that the total number of applicants exceed total availability, allocations may be conducted by way of a draw.

The parking spaces will be available once the building has been completed. This building will house the shooting range for the Island Games which will take place in Gibraltar next year.

The formal advertisements and application forms will be published shortly.

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