The Minister for Housing, the Hon Pat Orfila MP, chaired a productive meeting with representatives of the Charles Bruzon House Tenants Association.

Officials from the Ministry, Department for Housing, and the Housing Works Agency also attended.

The Chair of the Tenants Association Mrs Angela Perez, and fellow association members Mrs Anita Wright and Maricela Wood, presented several key points for discussion, including the floor surface, the building’s entrance, the installation of CCTV cameras within elevators and the great work being carried out by their Warden and Cleaner.

Following the meeting, Mrs Perez expressed her satisfaction with the fruitful discussion, noting progress had already been made with points on the agenda prior to the meeting and the ongoing efforts on others. She emphasised the importance of maintaining regular communication with Housing officials and further extended an invitation to Minister Orfila to attend one of the many Social Functions the Tenants Association organise.

The Minister for Housing, the Hon Pat Orfila MP, said: “I remain dedicated to regular engagements with all tenants associations, especially with this specific part of our society that has given so much to the fabric on which our current community is built on.”

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